Yet another nightmare update

 Alright, it's time for another Life Update instead of, y'know, the content this site is meant to be for.

I'll start with the good news: getting out of the Nightmare Apartment has indeed been very good for my health, ability to think, focus, plan, etc, I've been out of it for nearly 2 weeks, and am no longer continuously tired and unable to think.

Unfortunately, this is rather overshadowed by multiple bits of bad news.

Firstly, this post happening at all is honestly a minor miracle. In the course of making this move, my computer died. Okay, but thanks to all y'all's generosity, I was able to scrounge up a cheap replacement, which is what I'm typing on now so why am I mentioning it at all?

Problem is, that was my one and only device logged into my primary Gmail account, and since I am of course trying to log in on a new device from a wifi network that isn't my old apartment wifi (what with having moved out), Google has decided I must be a nefarious actor trying to steal my account. Never mind that I'm putting in my correct password and all. So I'm locked out of my primary account of around 20 years. I'm trying to get customer service support from Google, but given everything I've ever heard about Google's customer service process, it seems distinctly probable this will be useless (I'm basically expecting to be told to do everything I've done plus a bunch of things I'm not being allowed to try, and then ignored when I explain that I've already done all that and need actual intervention) and my only real hope will be the possibility that Google's automated distrust might eventually decide I might actually be myself trying to access my own account. So basically I'm very possibly permanently locked out of my primary account. (That account is honestly one of the most centrally important elements of my life, so I'm really not happy. Side note: for those of you who care about my non-Vigaroe content, this means I've been locked out of all my drafts and notes for all that stuff)

The only reason I can still post to Vigaroe is because my brother has an admin account on the idea of contributing posts some day himself, and so he was able to make the account I'm using right now also an admin for Vigaroe. If not for that so-far-unrealized plan from over a decade ago, I'd be locked out of Vigaroe too.

The worse news is that the move has not worked out; in spite of moving to one of the lowest-rent states in the US and expressly applying to apartments with lower rent than what I was paying in the Nightmare Apartment, my income inexplicably is not considered sufficient to be accepted. Never mind that I always paid my rent on time and in full in the Nightmare Apartment and so obviously would be able to continue that pattern in an apartment with a lower rent, given the income I'm relying on is in fact the same.

Which leaves no obvious way to get back into housing. It's obviously pretty unlikely I'll improve my income enough to get approved while homeless, and since it is expressly the income in particular a second round of fundraising wouldn't bypass this even if I was surprised by people's generosity a second time. The only way that would work is if the generosity was sufficient to pay cash for a house, which is a big ask and I'm not interested in burning good will on a gamble that's more or less guaranteed to not actually work.

So barring any wild surprises, I am declaring myself Officially Homeless and expect to be living out of a tent and relying on public library wifi for the foreseeable future while I try to finagle some solution to this idiotic situation.

While I'm being this candid, I might as well admit that I first started seriously posting to Vigaroe while homeless (Circa 2016, when I started the Monster Quest LP, is when I became regular about site updates; I got off the street and into the Nightmare Apartment partway through posting The Legend's updates, in 2018), so in some sense this is a return to the site's roots. Which I'm mentioning partly because I intend to resume updates soon regardless, and the prior is proof that I can do so while homeless.

I'm not going to hold myself to a strict schedule, mind -there's a reason the earliest site updates are paced very erratically- but I'll be shooting for once a week or so until I run through my buffer of substantially-complete posts and/or get back into a stable living situation.

Thanks for the help provided, everyone. It wasn't able to accomplish the desired goal, but it did at least make this less awful a transition, and that does matter.

See you sometime next week, most likely.

EDIT: I've regained control of essentially all my accounts (Aside the core email account...), thankfully.


  1. Long term readers may even recognize me from the short lived attempts to Let's Play Tales of Maj'Eyal and Master of Orion classic literally 7 and 6 years ago, respectively. Yeah hi, I do invisible background work on the site mostly in the form of discussing it with Ghoul King and theoretically still intend to do... those exact two LPs actually, some day. Just a problem of the instability of this situation.

    but hey at least me having an admin account means vigaroe isn't dead in the water as long as we still draw breath at least.


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