XCOM 2 Just For Fun Index

I've long had a number of XCOM 2 posts I didn't really feel fit into the main analysis index, but wasn't happy with them being invisibly orphaned in the depths of the archive.

So they get their own index now; this page.

Monoranger run. A run of the base game in which I insisted solely on using Rangers. It was a really interesting experience that revealed that Rangers are a lot more powerful than I'd been crediting them for -arguably the base game's most powerful class, in fact- and was otherwise interesting.

Mono-Psi Operative run. A run of the base game that relies on mod support to approximate a largely-theoretical Psi Operative-only run. The nature of how I got there makes it fundamentally non-representative in key ways, but it still highlighted that Psi Operatives are not nearly as much of a superclass as they feel in a normal run, with key flaws that are normally largely covered up by other classes handling the things they're bad at, which is something you can't avoid in a normal run since generally you'll have at most 2, maybe 3 fully trained Psi Operatives in time for the final mission. Thus, a normal run somewhat-invisibly hides some of their worst flaws.

'Resistance SPARKs' run. A run whose starting goal was to try out mono-SPARKs. I didn't think I could realistically do so in the base game when I started this run, it ended up getting a bit away from its primary goal with me testing a mod for rebalancing the Resistance classes (I was not impressed) and also trying out a specific SPARK alternate class mod that seemed interesting. (I was very impressed) It ended up less educational than I'd intended and I'll probably do a proper all--regular-SPARKs run at some point, but it was certainly fun once I was properly transitioned to six SPARKs.


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