Site updates on pause for... I don't know

I've avoided talking about this for a variety of reasons, but for almost the entirety of Vigaroe's meaningful existence I've been struggling with health problems heavily exacerbated by the disaster state of the apartment complex I've been living in. Over the years these problems have increasingly sapped my time and energy, which has visibly manifested site-side by me scaling back my update schedule and discontinuing assorted projects (Such as a still-incomplete Let's Play) because I simply can't. Nonetheless, I've kept at it because I hoped that conditions would improve one way or another; that my Patreon would grow enough I could sock away money in preparation to move elsewhere, that the apartment complex would improve enough that I wouldn't be constantly fighting against mold and bedbugs and so on, or something truly unexpected would occur and be a solution.

Unfortunately, in the last month things have reached a breaking point for me; I've only barely been able to keep up my weekly updates, and in fact was not able to spare the time and energy to finish this week's update at all. Things with my apartment situation very much look to be just getting worse, and I just need to get moved somewhere that doesn't leave me unable to function day in and day out for most of my waking hours. Rather than just leave people hanging without explanation, I've made this post, as well as a GoFundMe page. (If you don't want to use GoFundMe, reminder that I have a Patreon and Ko-Fi: if you prefer those but still wish to be visibly counted on the GoFundMe, you can just tell me so when contributing via Patreon or Ko-Fi and I can manually add your contribution to GoFundMe's goal tracker, with whatever name you prefer even)

Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll be able to resume site updates: I really do just need to get moved, and I won't be able to get back to the site until that's been arranged somehow. So... site hiatus, duration indefinite.

I wish it hadn't come to this.

See you next update, whenever that might be.


  1. This sounds like an absolute nightmare. I wish you all the best getting out of your current situation. Sounds like pretty much anywhere else would be better than where you are.

    By the way, I assume you already know, but it might not be enough to just get rid of your furniture to avoid bringing bedbugs to wherever you end up. You can find tips and guides online, but it will require a lot of high-temp washing/drying and plastic bags.

    1. The bedbugs outright killed a phone by (Among other things) crawling into its USB plug and dying in there until it couldn't draw power, so... yeah. I'm aware they get into everything. I'm not going to bring much with me in general when I move, but I also live light enough I won't need as extensive of preparation as a lot of people would... but yeah. Going to be careful about this piece.

    2. ...Yes please move out of that place ASAP. Maybe set it on fire on your way out, do a favour to humanity.

    3. tbh I'm leaving out a lot of problems partly because it's so bad I suspect most people would assume I'm exaggerating if I went into all of it.

  2. I wish you strength and luck to get out of this shithole. +1 to burning it.
    And I just want to say that I can relate to chronic medical problems getting cranky at the same time as life dropping random bullshit at you.


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