Site Notice: Chimera Squad Cleanup

Having gotten out of the Nightmare Apartment, I've found I not only have more energy and all but I also think more clearly. As a consequence, I've made a second pass of all the previously-posted Chimera Squad posts, resulting in many spelling errors being corrected, multiple cases of difficult-to-follow grammar being reworded o be easier to follow, redundant words being trimmed, sentences expanded to be clearer, and sundry other 'moment-to-moment' elements being fixed up.

I've also made more significant corrections; some posts contradicted other posts on factual statements, some posts were not strictly contradictory but didn't mesh well with each other ("X is arguably the best Breach skill in the game! And so is Y! And so is Z!"), and there were a couple bits I'd actually meant to correct before I moved out but never had the time/energy/focus to properly do it while still in the Nightmare Apartment. (The big one is that I claimed Zephyr getting Momentum out of Crowd Control would still trigger during Reaper, only to find in a run it absolutely did not)

I'll probably make a similar pass of the later XCOM 2 posts at some point; the serious decline in my functionality started late in putting up XCOM 2 posts, so I'm quite certain I'll find more obvious errors to fix and whatnot if I go looking at those posts.

For now, though, the Chimera Squad posts are noticeably improved.


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