AM2R Random Fusion Run 1

This time I toggled on the option that makes the Genetics Lab more dangerous, and it shows to a shocking extent.

I also enabled an alternate set of colors for the Fusion Suit, though it doesn't really look any different until I get the Varia Suit. I kind of like the colors, not sure if I'll switch back later or not.

1.4 has reworked the randomizer logic, and made some other tweaks: there's 'helper' Septoggs (The flying rock-bug things) that can spawn in a few extra spots relative to normal play that make certain sequences more bearable. This run ends up showing off a big one, and it's one that's a huge relief to me because that one vertical High Jump tunnel is totally doable with absolutely no gear whatsoever, but it requires precisely-timed walljumps to get past the platforms moving in and out. Including the Septoggs there doesn't actually let you go anywhere new, it just takes a possible-but-tedious sequence and makes it doable in a reasonable timeframe without obnoxious amounts of practice beforehand etc.

The big changes in randomizer logic -which this video shows off!- are that the Gravity Suit is now a part of the randomizer pool (And in turn non-Gravity Suit items can spawn in its normal spot) and that a lot of the previous unnecessarily-cautious safety measures have been removed, eg the Golden Temple no longer always spawns at least one of Bombs/Power Bombs/Screw Attack somewhere inside of it.

Something that didn't crop up in this run is that now the Varia and Gravity Suits properly stack: instead of Varia halving damage and Gravity quartering it, they both halve damage and you only get the quartering effect if you have both Suits. Thus, getting Gravity before Varia isn't an excuse to just stop looking for the Varia Suit, not unless you're confident in your ability to beat the Metroid Queen on half your usual durability.

Also according to notes the swapping behavior I've described before has been removed, which if true means that it's no longer possible to abuse that swapping behavior to ensure certain Items by a certain point. It didn't crop up in this run, but I approve if it's a real change; it was silly how exploitable that was in 1.3.

This run also shows off that Power Bombs have been made less of ridiculous gamebreakers in regards to bosses: no longer can a single well-timed Power Bomb kill Arachnus all by itself, no longer does a single Power Bomb turn the Torizo into chunky salsa in its flight phase, etc.

... though you still only need one Power Bomb to kill the Weapons Tester, as it happens. Just need to get the shield down first.

This particular run was notable for how Energy Tanks just kept not being available, making it important for me to be cautious a lot more than usual, even with getting the Varia Suit and then Gravity Suit fairly quickly. Also notable was five Power Bombs in the Hydro Station.

... oh fine, it doesn't actually end with Samus dead. Here's your last video.


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