Let's Play X-COM Enforcer Mission 25

The second -and, alas, final- farm level of Enforcer. That... has a random stonehenge construction toward the beginning. No idea why.

This is the one level I remembered relatively clearly at the start of the LP. It's a fun, good level, and it legit feels like someone looked at X-COM and went 'wouldn't it be cool to play through one of those missions with like a Terror Ship scouting out a farm or something, but from the ground level?' ala Commander & Conquer: Renegade. It also breaks up the 'rescue civilians/kill teleporters/occasionally kill bosses' pattern, with your final goal being destroying the UFO's power supply. It could still use a little refinement, since for example the elevators are a bit non-obvious and your guidance system/Professor Utonium don't do anything to really clarify when you can use an elevator nor which one you need to go to next, but overall it's good.

I also really like how there's a little Chryssalid cave room thing on the ship. It's a nice, sensible touch, the sort of thing I'd expect a game building on X-COM lore to add in where it's not strictly faithful to the original game's handling but is the sort of thing I can imagine the original game would have done if it was more technically feasible to do and/or if the original game's developers had thought of it.

It's probably my favorite level of the game, even though I'd say some of what comes later is better.

See you next mission.


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