Xtra Spicy Enforcer Mission 12

I forgot to change skins for this mission, but whatever. I'm pretty sure there's more missions than skins.

Oddly, where I liked this mission on Normal I actually found it fairly frustrating on Xtra Spicy. Enemies spawning in from various odd points without need for spawners was obnoxious and genuinely somewhat dangerous instead of being free Data Points, the enemy spawners and even some civilians are often placed in hidey-holes that make it easy to end up trapped by the hordes of melee constantly trying to run you down, and the map is a bit overly-large. It feels like the mission drags on something like 20% longer than it really ought to.

I also noticed that it looks like Reapers actually have some kind of leaping attack. If so, I suppose I never noticed on Normal because it was too easy to scythe through them en mass and so I never ended up with Reaper trapped on top of me and helping trap me in the hordes of enemies.

Playing Xtra Spicy, I'm increasingly feeling like its values really should've been the base difficulty values, as far as enemy durability and whatnot. The Data Point generation and/or costs would need to be tuned differently so research stuff was a little more accessible, but Enforcer is a lot more interesting of a game when the enemies aren't made uniformly forgettable because they all die too fast for their qualities to matter.

See you next mission.


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