Risk of Rain Sacrifice Loader

Sacrifice is a straightforward Artifact: nearly every source of items is removed from the game, and instead each and every enemy you kill has a small chance to drop an item instead. The only particular caveat to this is that the Contact Light's golden Keycard chests will spawn as normal, all the mini-chests on the Contact Light will spawn as normal (But not the regular pay-to-open chests), all the weapons chests on the Contact Light will spawn as normal (Though I had a bizarrely high number of empty weapon chests this run. Maybe Sacrifice impacts them?), all the Medical Bay interactables are still there, and the nanochest in the cabin is still there.

I have mixed feelings about Sacrifice.

It speeds up the game a lot; find the teleporter, and just sit there and kill everything as it spawns. No need to scout for chests. No grinding to buy a particular item you really want. No performing one final loop to get the chests open. Much faster!

But it also removes a layer of strategy to the game, and it seriously distorts item value. Fireworks become worthless until you reach the Contact Light, where their value is still much lower. The Golden Gun becomes basically a free damage boost. (Unless you luck into the Captain's Brooch, I suppose) Bustling Fungus loses a ton of value since there's no Health Shrines. Arms Race becomes nearly worthless because Sacrifice completely removes Drone wrecks. (It would still boost The Backup's Drones, but that's... pretty close to worthless) Drone Repair Kit is completely worthless, since no Drones. Life Savings, Pillaged Gold, and Smart Shopper more or less don't matter since money is only a little relevant on the Contact Light. (Unless you've found the Golden Gun or the Gold-plated Bomb) The Gold-plated Bomb's disadvantage pretty much goes away entirely. Snake Eyes becomes worthless because there's no shrines at all. War Banner becomes way more useful because there's no longer much reason to be wandering around, gaining levels in multiple different locations, and War Banners stack. Captain's Brooch becomes basically free, aside the Use Item slot being eaten. Explorer's Key is only potentially useful for opening the weapon chests on the Contact Light.

And you only care about three Keycards at most, since the storage room is practically empty and will usually only give some money and experience, both of which are of little use at that point.

The overall result is that Sacrifice tends to feel a bit flat, and the fact that a fairly notable portion of your items are worthless or nearly worthless with only a few items improved and mostly not even by that much means that luck's unevenness applies in a somewhat more obnoxious way than in a normal run. You're just that much more likely to have a run that was inarguably screwed over by bad luck, with no particularly new and interesting strategies in exchange or the like.

The novelty value is okay, but it just doesn't have good replayability.


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